Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to Get Inexpensive Health Insurance

Looking to buy health insurance? Want to know how to get cheap health insurance with a reliable company? Here's how ...

Type of Health Insurance

There are four basic types of health plans:

Indemnity plans - These plans let your own doctor, and it pays all your medical bills up to a certain daily amount for a certain number of days.

Indemnity plans are the most flexible health care plans, but they are the most expensive plansand they include the paperwork.

HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) - With these plans you pay a monthly premium to a network of doctors and hospitals to join. You must choose a family doctor within the network, which monitors your health care.

HMOs are restrictive of all health insurance, but they are also the cheapest plans. Co-payments are either very low ($ 5 to $ 10) or are free.

PPO (Preferred Provider Organizations) - WithThese plans include a monthly premium to a network of doctors and hospitals too high. You can choose whatever you prefer to see a doctor, but if he or she is not part of the network, you must pay an additional fee.

PPO cost slightly more than HMOs, but many people prefer because they are less restrictive. Co-payments average $ 5 to $ 10

POS (Point-of-service plans) - Plans are a combination of HMOs and Poss. You need to monitor a family doctorYour medical treatment, but it is a non-physician network without paying additional fees if your family doctor refers to him.

POS plans cost slightly more, which are PPO and HMOs, but flexible. Co-payments are about the same as for HMOs and PPO.

What plan is best?

To determine the health insurance best suits your needs, you need to find out as follows:

* Does the plan cover the services you need?

* WhatHave co-payments, deductibles and coinsurance of the plan?

* How much freedom you have when choosing your own doctor?

* What is the waiting period for pre-existing conditions?

Cheap Health Insurance

To get the best rates on health insurance, you need to comparison shop. Thanks to the Internet, you need not spend hours at the end of local insurance companies or single-surfing company websites will require to spend quoting. Now you can with an insuranceComparison site, please fill out our simple questionnaire and receive offers from a number of companies.

The best comparison sites only with A-rated companies so you know the company you choose is reliable and gives you good service. Theses pages have a insurance experts available to answer any insurance questions. (See link below.)

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