Sunday, January 2, 2011

Detox Your Body Alkaline Producing Foods - Skyrocket Your Health With Alkaline Producing Foods

If you are planning to detox your body by eating alkaline producing foods, then you should continue reading this article. In this article, we will be discussing on several points - why our body needs alkaline foods, the extent of alkalizing foods we should incorporate in our daily diet and 3 famous alkalizing foods that you can find in any places. After reading this article, you should have a full idea of how you can detox your body by restoring your body optimum pH level and ensure you have a healthy and vitalized future.

Our body optimum pH is slightly alkaline at about pH7.3. However, due to the exposure to toxin and diets that are highly acidifying, the pH environment in our body has changed. As a result, this causes numerous health disorders which include inefficiency in oxygen transferring (by our red blood cells), fatigue, migraine et cetera. According to numerous medical researches, our diet accounts for a huge proportion of our internal pH change. Therefore, we should see our daily diet as the main culprit that causes numerous physical and health disorder.

Many people seek helps from doctors when they are unwell. Often, doctors will prescribed some drugs just to comfort the people's need. However, according to the book "To Err Is Human: Building A Safer Health System (2000)", published by Institute Of Medicine (IOM), death due to medical errors and preventable adverse events exceeded death attributed to motor vehicle accidents, AIDS and even breast cancer. And, high proportion of the death due to medical errors are :

- unnecessary surgery
- unnecessary drug prescription
- wrong drug prescription
- drug allergy

Actually, many health disorders are linked with high toxicity and body pH deviation. According to the Textbook Of Medical Physiology, "The first step in maintaining health is to alkalize the body". Since diet accounts mostly for our internal pH change, therefore we should start incorporating alkalize producing foods in our daily diet to alkalize our body. With an optimum internal body pH environment, our organs will be able to function at their optimum levels, thus boosting our immune system, escalating our body metabolism and make us to be healthier and more energetic everyday.

A general to alkalize our body through eating alkalize forming foods is that your meal should be consist of :
- 50% of alkaline foods if you want to maintain your current health
- 70% of alkalizing foods if you want to improve your current health

Below are a list of alkaline foods that are medically proven to be effective in detoxing your body and maintaining your body pH :
- beetroot
- cabbage
- lemon

In conclusion, your current health can actually be improved through incorporating alkaline producing foods in your daily diet. Whilst this might be a long journey, it has been reported that many people receive significant improvement in their healths after following a healthy alkalizing diet for a week. Many medical treatments are actually unnecessary and often yield many side effects.

To choose between a cost-efficient, safe and healthy way for your future health, or an expensive and extremely short-term way to treat your diseases... Ultimately, it is your choice.

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